Creating Altars Information

What is an Altar?
An Altar is Simply a Space with a Collection of Items that hold Significance to you, and They are Often Created around a Theme.
Altars are a Place that can Hold Energetic Space for you, They are a Place of Reflection and Meditation. Altars a Great Place for doing Meaningful Ceremonies.
Altars are Dedicated Space which Honors Spirit, your Guides, Helpers and Allies.
Altars can be Large or Small, they can be Permanent or Set for Traveling.
Creating Your Personal Altar
Altars can be Used for Setting Intentions for New Beginnings in your Life such as Love, Family Relationships, Residential Moves, Career Change, Travel. Just About Anything you Want as Long as it is For you and Harms None.
In This Workshop
You will Learn How to Create your Altar
Set Intentions for your Altar
Use the 4 – 8 Cardinal Directions
Learn about Objects to Use for Each Element + Air - Water - Earth - Fire +
Altar Cloths and Color Meanings
Best Places for Setting up your Altar
Date: Check Calendar​ For Dates
Time: Sunday 1 PM-4 PM
Fee: $85.00 includes GST. Limit to 5 Spots, to Reserve your Spot,
Location: TBD ( Address Provided in Registration Email Sent)
What to bring:
Water Bottle
Slippers or Warm Socks
List of Objects from the Registration Email

*Empower * Encourage * Enlighten*